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Historical Biogeography An Introduction

by Crisci, J.V.; Katinas, L.; Posadas, P.

  • Hardback £30.00
  • Used Book Availability : In stock
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  • Catalogue No : 60698
  • ISBN : 9780674010598
  • Published : 2003
  • Cover : Hardback
  • Pages : x, 250


This book discusses the profound revolution that historical biogeography has undergone in the last two decades, and of the resulting confusion over its foundations, basic concepts, methods, and relationships to other disciplines of comparative biology. Using case studies, the authors explain and illustrate the fundamentals and the most frequently used methods of this discipline. They show the reader how to tell when a historical biogeographic approach is called for, how to decide what kind of data to collect, how to choose the best method for the problem at hand, how to perform the necessary calculations, how to choose and apply a computer program, and how to interpret results.



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