Travels in the Interior Districts of Africa: performed in the years 1795, 1796, and 1797. With an Account of a Subsequent Mission to that Country in 1805 ... To which is added an Account of the Life of Mr. Park
- Collection : Prof Jim Green
- Publisher : John Murray
- Published In : London
- Illustrations : large folding map (with Park's routes outlined in colours), 1 map
'A New Edition. In Two Volumes'. Vol. I (1817), : Travels in 1795, 1796, and 1797 (including 'An Account of the Life of Mr. Park [by John Whishaw], 'A Vocabulary of the Mandingo Language', and 'A Negro Song'); Vol. II (1816): Last Journey, and Life (including 'Isaaco's Journal').
Mungo Park (1771-1806) was a Scottish explorer of West Africa. In 1794 Park offered his services to the African Association, then looking for a successor to Major Daniel Houghton, who had been sent in 1790 to discover the course of the Niger River and had died in the Sahara. Supported by Sir Joseph Banks, Park was selected. His instructions including 'to ascertain the course, and if possible, the rise and termination' of the Niger. Upon his return, together with Bryan Edwards, the secretary of the African Association, Park drew up an account of his travels for the members of the association; James Rennell added a map which showed the Niger. His 'Travels', first published in 1799, was a best-seller. Three editions were printed during the first year, and it was immediately translated into French and German. Vol. II (first published 1815) is a record of Park's second ill-fated expedition to the Niger in 1805. He drowned in the river Niger in 1806 while under attack by natives.
2 vols, 8vo, cont. half calf, rubbed, gt, marbled boards, joints rubbed, beginning to crack, but firm. Leaf xxiii/xxiv in Vol. II working loose. A good set.
Other titles from the collection : Prof Jim Green
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