The Entomologist’s Monthly Magazine
ISSN: 0013-8908

The Entomologist’s Monthly Magazine was first published in 1864 and in 2014 celebrated its 150th year. The journal accepts articles on all orders of insects and terrestrial arthropods from Britain and worldwide. Papers on the taxonomy, biology, ecology, biodiversity, conservation and natural history of insects are invited from all parts of the world. Short field notes and observations are also welcome. In addition, the journal also publishes papers on the history of entomology, book reviews and obituaries of leading entomologists. The Entomologist’s Monthly Magazine has the capacity for rapid publication of papers, which will be of particular benefit for authors seeking to fast track their research output.
From 2023 Entomologist's Monthly Magazine has incorporated the journal Entomologist's Gazette, and now welcomes papers and short notes on Lepidoptera as well as other insect orders.
Published quarterly: January, April, July and October.
Press and media coverage
Please read about recent press and media coverage here.
Online access
From 2018 (Vol. 154) The Entomologist’s Monthly Magazine is also available digitally via IngentaConnect.
Subscripton Rates
Our subscription rates can be found below. You can subscribe to The Entomologists Monthly Magazine or renew an existing subscription using the appropriate option.
Individual Subscriptions
Subscription Type | Price | |
Individual UK Subscription (Vol. 161, 2025) PRINT (WITH ONLINE) | £38.00 | Subscribe |
Individual European Subscription (Vol. 161, 2025) PRINT (WITH ONLINE) | £48.00 | Subscribe |
Individual ROW Subscription (Vol. 161, 2025) PRINT (WITH ONLINE) | £55.00 | Subscribe |
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Individual Subscription UK/EU (Vol. 161, 2025) ONLINE ONLY | £36.00 | Subscribe |
Individual Subscription ROW (Vol. 161, 2025) ONLINE ONLY | £36.00 | Subscribe |
Institutional Subscriptions
Subscription Type | Price | |
Institution UK Subscription (Vol. 161, 2025) PRINT ONLY | £103.00 | Subscribe |
Institution European Subscription (Vol. 161, 2025) PRINT ONLY | £116.00 | Subscribe |
Institution ROW Subscription (Vol. 161, 2025) PRINT ONLY | £126.00 | Subscribe |
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Institution (Vol. 161, 2025) ONLINE ONLY | £103.00 | Subscribe |
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Institution UK Subscription (Vol. 161, 2025) PRINT + ONLINE | £175.00 | Subscribe |
Institution European Subscription (Vol. 161, 2025) PRINT + ONLINE | £185.00 | Subscribe |
Institution ROW Subscription (Vol. 161, 2025) PRINT + ONLINE | £195.00 | Subscribe |
VAT: VAT: VAT on both Print and Online1 subscriptions is now 0% in the U.K.
[1 from 1st May 2020]
Content of published issues
View contents of previous issues of The Entomologist's Monthly Magazine.
Printed back issues available here.
Editorial Board
The Revd (Gp Capt., retd) A. WAKEHAM-DAWSON, B.Sc., Ph.D., F.L.S., F.R.E.S. - email :
Social Media Coordinator & Book Review Editor
J. C. WEIR, B.Sc., Ph.D., F.L.S., Mem. R.E.S.
Editorial Board
Prof. M. G. MORRIS, M.A., Ph.D., F.R.S.B., F.L.S., F.R.E.S.
J. W. ISMAY, B.Sc., Ph.D., F.R.E.S.
R. R. ASKEW, B.Sc., D.Phil., F.R.E.S.
Prof. R. L. H. DENNIS, B.A., Ph.D., D.Sc., F.L.S., F.G.S., F.R.S.B., F.R.E.S.
P. C. BARNARD, B.Sc., A.R.C.S., Ph.D., Hon. F.R.E.S.
Prof. T. R. NEW, B.Sc., A.R.C.S., Ph.D., D.I.C., F.R.E.S.
M. R. WILSON, Ph.D., F.L.S., F.R.E.S.
D. J. MANN, F.L.S., F.R.E.S.
Dist. Prof. M. S. ENGEL, B.A., B.Sc., Ph.D., F.L.S., F.R.E.S.
N. L. EVENHUIS, B.Sc., M.Sc., Ph.D.
A. POLASZEK, B.Sc., Ph.D., D.I.C., F.R.E.S., F.R.G.S.
G. R. BROAD, Ph.D.
A. WHITAKER, B.Sc., M.Sc., D.I.C., Ph.D., Mem. R.E.S.
Prof. H. C. J. GODFRAY, Kt., C.B.E., F.R.S., Ph.D., F.R.S.B., F.L.S., Hon. F.R.E.S.
M. R. SHAW, B.A., M.A., D.Phil., F.R.S.E., F.R.E.S.
Publication of material in this journal does not imply that the views and opinions expressed therein are shared by the editor, the publisher, or by any party other than the named author(s).
Notes for Contributors
Intending authors are advised to study papers similar to their own in recent issues of the journal, and to follow as closely as possible the layout and style, capitalization and labelling of figures. The editor will be pleased to advise on the suitability or presentation of any manuscript prior to submission. All papers are subject to peer review and may be returned to the author for modification as a result of reviewers’ reports. Manuscripts are acknowledged on receipt and if acceptable proofs are sent without further communication. Minor editorial alterations may be made without consulting the author. Papers submitted should not have been published elsewhere and should not be currently under consideration by another journal.
Contributions should be sent to the Editor-in-Chief, in digital format (MS Word) as an e-mail attachment to
Nomenclature: should be based on the most recently revised check-lists, or on a more recent authoritative work. Authors of scientific names should not be abbreviated and, together with the original date of publication, must be placed in parentheses when required.
Please keep formatting to a minimum. Indents to first lines of a paragraph should not be made by tabs or spacing. Papers other than short field/collecting notes should include a brief abstract and keywords at the beginning. Generic and specific names should be in italics, and authorities given for all groups, including plants, on first mention. Generic names should be given in full on first mention (or where confusion might occur) and by initial letter only with specific names thereafter. Specific names should not be abbreviated even if followed by a subspecific name. Scientific names should follow the usage recommended in a standard recent catalogue or check-list. Works used in identification should be cited, as should the names of specialists who have verified the identity of material. Localities should be given in full with the National Grid Reference or equivalent. Where previous names of countries are cited from old data the modern equivalent should also be given. Numbers under 10 should be in words except in a strictly numerical context. Measurements should be metric and follow the SI system (Système International d’Unités), with imperial equivalents in parentheses, where appropriate. No space should be left between the value and the unit, eg. 10m, 2km. Abbreviations indicating new taxa or nomenclatorial changes should be in the form gen. n., sp. n., comb. n., stat. n., syn. nov., etc. References, in alphabetical order, should be in the form:
Imms, A.D. 1934. Textbook of Entomology. London: Methuen.
Clements, D.K. 1989. The occurrence of Leopoldius brevirostris (Germar) (Dipt., Conopidae) in Britain, with notes on its distinction from L. signatus (Wiedemann). Entomologist’s Monthly Magazine. 125: 153–156.
Taeger, A., Blank, S.M. & Liston, A.D. 2006. European sawflies (Hymenoptera: Symphyta) – a species checklist for the countries, pp. 399–504. In: Blank, S.M., Schmidt, S. & Taeger, A. (Eds). Recent Sawfly Research: Synthesis and Prospects. Keltern: Goecke & Evers.
Journal titles should be given in full and in italics. The full page run of a paper must be cited. If a paper has more than three authors, it should be cited as ‘first author’s name et al.’ in the body of the text.
Line drawings should be sent electronically to . Please send these as tiff files with minimum resolution of 600dpi and at 100% of final size. If this is not possible, then line drawings should be submitted to the publisher in permanent black ink on good quality white drawing paper or Bristol board, larger than the intended printed size (but not greater than x2) with clear labelling.
Photographs – colour images where possible (although they may be published in black and white) should be sent as tiff files; at least 300dpi resolution and at 100% of final size. If sent as photographs they should be glossy prints, of good contrast and lightly numbered on the back. Scales should be indicated. Please do not embed figures in a word document, but send all digital images separately at the resolutions mentioned above. Figures should be numbered consecutively. Legends should be listed at the end of the paper.
Galley proofs will be sent to authors for scrutiny, but only essential corrections should be made at this stage. Any major changes made at this stage are chargeable to the author.
On publication a pdf file is supplied of all the main articles for the author's personal use. Printed offprints may be ordered at a cost when proofs are returned. Offprints of articles should be ordered on the offprint form enclosed with the proofs.
PDF files are supplied to authors for private circulation only and may not be uploaded to websites or used for commercial gain.
Publication Ethics and Malpractice Statement
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