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K.A. Zittel) Harper's Geoscience Series Harvard Books in Biology Harvard Library Handbook HBW and Birdlife International Illustrated Checklist of the Birds of the World Hedgerow & Woodland Series Hedgerow & Woodley Series Helm County Avifauna Helm Field Guides Helm Identification Guides Helm Natural History Helm Photographic Guides Helm Wildlife Guides Herbipoliana Heritage Heritage Matters Heterocera Sumatrana Hidden Languages Historia Naturae Historiae Naturalis Classica History of Microscopy Home & Colonial Library Hot Science How to Begin the Study of ..... How to Draw How to Identify How to Know Them Hulton Group Keys Hutchinson Biological Monographs Hutchinson University Library Hutchinson's Nature Library Hydrobiological Survey of the Lake Bangweulu Luapula River Basin Hymenoptera of Europe IBG Special Publications Series IBP Handbook Series ICBP Technical Publication Iconographia Diatomologica Identification Guides (John Beaufoy) IIE Guides to Insects of Importance to Man Illinois Biological Monographs Illinois State Museum Popular Science Series Illustrated Catalogue of Scorpions Illustrated Chronicle of Yunnan Butterflies Illustrated Handbook of Succulent Plants Illustrated Keys to Free-Living Invertebrates of Eurasian Arctic Seas and Adjacent Deep Waters Images of Nature In the Moment Industrial Biotechnology INHS Manual Insect Fauna of Henan Insect Systematics & Evolution Supplements Insecta Helvetica: Catalogus Insecta Helvetica: Fauna Insecta of Zhejiang Insects and Arachnids of Canada Insects and Other Terrestrial Arthropods: Biology, Chemistry and Behavior Insects of Hawaii Insects of Micronesia Insects of Samoa Insects of Virginia Insects of Western North America Insetos do Brasil Inside Technology Inspirational Rough Guides Institue of Geological Sciences: Overseas Geology and Mineral Resources Institut Royal des Sciences Naturelles de Belgique Documents de Travail Institute of Zoology, University of Belgrade, Monographs Instrumenta Biodiversitatis Interdisciplinary Evolution Research International Science Library International Scientific Series International Series in the Earth and Planetary Sciences International Series of Monographs on Pure and Applied Biology: Botany Internationale Forschungen zur Allgemeinen und Vergleichenden Literaturwissenschaft Interspecific Interactions Introduction pratique à la systématique des organismes des eaux continentales françaises Invading Nature - Springer Series in Invasion Ecology Inventaires & biodiversité Inventaires et Biodiversité Invertebrate Ecology & Conservation Monographs Invertebrate Types Invertebrates of Florida Invertebres Armoricains IOBC / WPRS Bulletin Iris Irish Biogeographical Soc: Occasional Publications Irish Fisheries Investigations Series B (Marine) Irish Heritage Irish Naturalists' Journal Supplement Issues in Toxicology ITE Research Publication IUCN Wetlands Programme Ivy Press 'Book of ...' series Jago's Grasshoppers of East and North East Africa Jardine's Naturalist's Library Jarrold Tableau Series JNN-Naturführer John Gould Facsimile Series (Hill House) John Murray Expedition 1933-34 Scientific Reports Johns Hopkins Wavelengths Journal of Field Herpetology Journal of Oman Studies Special Report Käfer Mitteleuropas - Faunistik Käfer Mitteleuropas - Larven Käfer Mitteleuropas - Ökologie Käfer Mitteleuropas - Systematik KBIN Studiedocumenten (New Series) Kew Bulletin Additional Series Kew Experts Kew Magazine Monograph Kew Pocketbooks Key Environments Key Guide series Key Questions Keys to the Fauna of the USSR Keys to the Flora and Fauna of Russia Keys to the Identification of Polish Insects Keys to the Insects of the European USSR King Penguin Klucze Do Oznaczania Owadów Polski KNNV Uitgave KNNV Veldgids Kosmos Naturführer Kvetena Ceske Republiky L.M.B.C. Memoirs on Typical British marine Plants & Animals L.M.B.C. Memoirs on Typical British Marine Plants and Animals Landscape Series Lardner's Cabinet Cyclopaedia Le Scienze Lehrbuch der Parasitologie Leiden Botanical Series Lepidepterorum Catalogus Lepidoptera Italica Lepidoptera of North America Lepidopterorum Catalogus (Ed. E. 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