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Weevils of Macaronesia: Canary Islands, Madeira, Azores

by Stüben, P.E.

  • HB + DVD £115.00
  • New Book Availability : Usually available within 2 week(s)
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  • Catalogue No : 51215
  • ISBN : 9783000684166
  • Published : 2022
  • Cover : HB + DVD
  • Pages : 784

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Focus-stacked photos of the habitus (dorsal/lateral) and the aedeagi (ventral/lateral) are given for all 733 sub/species; with notes on ecology, biology and molecular biology, taxonomy and phylogenetic systematics. The distribution of every species is visualised on maps, and many species are given interesting photos taken in their natural habitats. Introductory texts on higher taxa inform about the current state of research, and keys are presented to each family, subfamily or genus with numerous differential images to quickly and precisely identify the 733 species. As part of the Integrative Taxonomy, the study present mtCO1 (658bp) barcodes for 468 Lauri-Macaronesian weevil species and subspecies in 1388 samples. A Bayesian 50% majority rule consensus tree provides insights into the interspecific relationships of the respective genera. 23 species and subspecies are new described. In the appendix of the book there is a digital data carrier (ZooVITA 3): 1. with all localities of each of the Macaronesian species (type locality, localities with CO1 barcodes and further localities), 2. with species-specific, high-resolution photos for all species (focus stacking) that can additionally be used for species identification and 3. all publications of the author between 1.1.2018 and 31.12.2021

This reference work, a synopsis after two decades of research on the Macaronesian Curculionoidea, enables scientists as well as collectors and newcomers to quickly identify species and navigate through the large number of species. Indispensable for nature lovers and biologists travelling on the Macaronesian Islands!

DVD included with high-resolution photos for all 733 species, all localities, CO1-barcodes etc.

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