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A Field Guide to the Larger Mammals of South America

by Webb, R.; Blincow, J.

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  • Paperback £31.50
  • £42.00 (Save £10.50)
  • New Book Availability : In stock
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  • Catalogue No : 58311
  • ISBN : 9780691174099
  • Published : 2024
  • Cover : Paperback
  • Pages : 488

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The definitive comprehensive photographic field guide to the larger mammals of continental South America.

South America's wide range of habitats support a tremendous diversity of plants and animals, including more than 400 species of larger mammals - those the size of a guinea pig or bigger. Many are truly iconic: Jaguar, Puma, Ocelot and numerous other beautiful cats; the fantastic Maned Wolf; the incomparable Giant Anteater; and an incredible variety of extraordinary primates. This groundbreaking guide provides detailed coverage of these and many other wonderful mammals, including porcupines and peccaries; squirrels, sloths, skunks and seals; opossums, olingos and otters; armadillos, agoutis and Andean Bear; and viscachas and Vicuña - not to mention tapirs and river and estuarine dolphins.

The species accounts include a description of key features and information on subspecies, comparisons with similar species that overlap in range, details of the habitats in which the species occurs, a summary of its distribution in South America and information on its conservation status. Each species is illustrated with carefully selected photos, or artwork where suitable photos were not available. * Detailed coverage of 420 species

* Showcases over 550 stunning photos, many of rarely photographed species

* Features specially commissioned artwork for almost 100 species, including comparative plates of all marmosets and titi monkeys

* Includes up-to-date distribution maps

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