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The Collins Garden Birdwatcher's Bible: A Practical Guide to Identifying and Understanding Garden Birds

by Sterry, P.; Perrins, C.; Patel Ellis, S.; Couzens, D.

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  • Hardback £25.00
  • £30.00 (Save £5.00)
  • New Book Availability : Usually available within 5 day(s)
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  • Catalogue No : 42872
  • ISBN : 9780008405595
  • Published : 2020
  • Cover : Hardback
  • Pages : 416

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Combining practical birdwatching tips, the insights of internationally renowned ornithologists and the science, nature, art and history of birds, The Collins Garden Birdwatcher's Bible is a glorious celebration of the stunning world of birds.

Brimming with lavish photographs, The Collins Garden Birdwatcher's Bible offers handy tips on identifying and attracting British garden birds, as well as discovering more about the evolution, history and art of birds of the world. With detailed visual profiles of the key birds of the region, readers will learn how to identify birds by their colours, calls and behaviour, the best equipment and resources to use, as well as learning to create bird-friendly gardens and bird houses, choosing the ideal food for bird types by season and how we can become better bird advocates. Full of stunning illustrations and packed with practical advice and hands-on projects, The Collins Garden Birdwatcher's Bible is the ultimate guide for budding birdwatchers, eager ornithologists, nature-lovers, gardeners, botanists and anyone seeking to learn more about these majestic creatures that rule the skies.

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