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Field Guide to Scorpions of South Africa

by Engelbrecht, I.

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  • Paperback £14.99
  • £19.99 (Save £5.00)
  • New Book Availability : In stock
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  • Catalogue No : 55205
  • ISBN : 9781775845744
  • Published : 2023
  • Cover : Paperback
  • Pages : 296
  • Publisher : Struik
  • Illustrations : c.950 col photos

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An authoritative antidote to the myths surrounding these often maligned and misunderstood creatures.

Among the world's most fascinating living fossils, scorpions have been around for some 420 million years. South Africa is home to an astonishing variety, with 108 species in three families occurring in most of the region's biomes, from desert and grassland to fynbos, savanna and forest. Scorpions are even found in urban gardens.

Field Guide to Scorpions of South Africa is the first comprehensive guide to describe and illustrate all known species in the country. The clear, detailed species accounts cover appearance, habitat and behaviour, and discuss the variation within species according to region. Up-to-date distribution maps are included for all species and exceptional photographs, carefully worked to show astounding detail and vivid colours, bring to life the intricate patterning and colours of different species. Both males and females are presented, as well as a variety of colour forms, facilitating accurate identification in the field.

The introduction discusses scorpion classification, anatomy, biology, behaviour and habitat, as well as venomosity and the treatment of stings. Tips on how and where to find scorpions and how to contribute to their conservation as a citizen scientist are also included.

An invaluable tool for students, researchers, academics, hikers and anyone with an interest in South Africa's rich and fascinating fauna.

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