The Field Key to Winter Twigs: a guide to native and planted deciduous trees, shrubs and woody climbers (xylophytes) found in the British Isles
- Publisher : John Poland
- Illustrations : col photos, line drawings
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Originally printed in 2018 (ISBN 9780956014412) this reprint includes corrections, enhanced images and photos. Additional technical information has also been added.
Offers a new approach to identifying over 400 trees, shrubs and woody climbers to be found wild or planted in the British Isles. It allows any diligent enthusiast to reliably name a woody plant, normally within three turns of pages and often within a minute of study. It provides short and user-friendly keys to groups of similar woody plants; line illustrations to clarify descriptions; colour plates to highlight twig and bud morphology; and a glossary and detailed section of unusual characters. A powerful identification tool for all amateur and professional botanists, ecologists, gardeners, foresters, dendrologists, horticulturalists, naturalists and ramblers.
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