Treatise on Zoology. The Crustacea, Vol. 9 Part C: Eucarida: Euphausiacea, Amphionidacea and Decapoda (partim)
- Series : Treatise on Zoology: Anatomy, Taxonomy, Biology
- Publisher : Brill
- Illustrations : text figs
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This volume, 9C, in two parts, covers the Brachyura. With the publication of the ninth volume in the Treatise on Zoology: The Crustacea, we departed from the sequence one would normally expect. Some crustacean groups, mainly comprising the Decapoda, never had a French version produced.
Other titles from the series : Treatise on Zoology: Anatomy, Taxonomy, Biology
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Treatise on Zoology - Anatomy, Taxonomy, Biology - The Crustacea, Vol. 2
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Treatise on Zoology - Anatomy, Taxonomy, Biology - The Crustacea, Vol. 3
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Treatise on Zoology. The Crustacea, Decapoda, Vol. 9 Part A
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